
goggles tyr nadar natación

How to choose the best swimming goggles?

Goggles are now a common accessory in the backpacks of swimmers of all levels, no matter where they practice. That said, we tell you which goggles are ideal for you....

How to choose the best swimming goggles?

Goggles are now a common accessory in the backpacks of swimmers of all levels, no matter where they practice. That said, we tell you which goggles are ideal for you....

La triatleta Almudena Arrechea nos dice cómo saltar del maratón al triatlón

Triathlete Almudena Arrechea tells us how to ju...

The Mexican Almudena Arrechea is a great cyclist who on this occasion shares her training experience to do a triathlon.

Triathlete Almudena Arrechea tells us how to ju...

The Mexican Almudena Arrechea is a great cyclist who on this occasion shares her training experience to do a triathlon.